Modern Slavery

Is happening in Greater Manchester. Spot the signs, make a difference.

Modern slavery is often hidden. But it could be happening in the area you live in. It can often be difficult to spot, especially for some types of modern slavery. Click below to find out more information.

Sexual Exploitation

Sexual Exploitation

What could be the signs of sexual exploitation?

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Domestic Servitude

Domestic Servitude

What could be the signs of domestic servitude?

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Forced Labour

Forced Labour

What could be the signs of forced labour?

Read More

What is modern slavery?

Modern Slavery is a crime. It is the severe exploitation of people for someone else’s gain. Victims of modern slavery may be controlled through violence, fear, and an absence of freedom and choice. People will often be subject to intimidation and threats of or actual violence, against themselves or family members. They are subject to coercive and controlling behaviour including being locked into rooms or buildings, not being able to leave of their own free will, having passports or documents such as visas taken away from them, not being provided with food or drink and being made to work many hours for little or no pay. This can happen anywhere, to anyone.

We know that in Greater Manchester, labour exploitation, sexual exploitation in ‘pop up’ brothels, and domestic servitude are forms of modern slavery that are very under reported. We want you to be able to understand what these forms of modern slavery are, spot the signs and report.

Spotting one of the signs may not mean that someone is being exploited or trafficked, but seeing one or more is a reason to be suspicious. The more signs you see, the more likely that this person is being controlled, exploited and trafficked.

Report it to police on 101. If you think someone is in immediate danger, call 999

Report to the police online

Alternatively you can call the Modern Slavery & Exploitation Helpline anonymously on 08000 121 700

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