Organised Crime Coordination Unit

The Organised Crime Coordination Unit has the main responsibility
for tackling organised crime groups in Greater Manchester. 

It comprises police detectives and police staff working alongside partner agencies and its primary purpose is to gather information and intelligence and to accurately map the organised crime groups and their criminal activity, including an assessment of the threats they pose to our communities in Greater Manchester. Programme Challenger is committed to ensuring this team is well resourced so that our intelligence picture is current and well informed.

Information about organised crime groups in Greater Manchester is sent out every day by the Organised Crime Coordination Unit to all relevant partners, including incidents that have occurred within the last twenty four hours. This means that a partnership response can be coordinated quickly and effectively and that any threats

to the community can be addressed by local partnership teams. Included in this exchange of information are any “threats to life” notices that have been issued as a result of intelligence received by the police about a threat to a person or people.

A real-time partnership response to serious organised crime is not only the most effective way to respond, but it also reduces the likelihood of problems escalating through retaliation and retribution.

The team in the Unit provide a critical response support to local districts who suffer serious effects of organised crime such as serious violence or death, by attending multi agency briefings and offering advice in planning disruption plans to support investigations, and help reduce the risk of further harm.

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Challenger - Tackling serious and organised crime together

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Programme Challenger please email:

In an emergency, where there is a
threat to life or a crime in progress,
always phone 999

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