Referrals into the Sophie Hayes Foundation Remote Employability Programme for women survivors of trafficking are now open for an October 2020 start.
Those of you who have attended recent referral partner events will know that we are offering an online/remote pilot version of our programme for the remainder of 2020. We will resume face to face delivery once safe to do so in 2021, whilst continuing to offer remote support to those who desire it.
You can refer your clients into the programme using the form linked below. Please do forward this on to others in your organisation if necessary. The form also includes a reminder of our eligibility criteria to guide you.
Following a referral, Sophie Hayes Foundation staff will contact potential participants and come back to you with a decision regarding acceptance on to the programme. If you have any questions please contact your local Workshop Coordinator:
LONDON and the South:
BIRMINGHAM and West Midlands:
Over 12 months we support programme participants to build confidence, self-worth, resilience, skills and tangible outcomes to independence.
Our unique Employability Programme, consists of 2 modules focusing on growth in confidence whilst simultaneously building life changing employability and educational skills. Our programme is delivered via bespoke and creative ways during group workshops, one to one and group coaching, plus voluntary & work placements, access to training, and formal education.
Additionally, all our survivors have access to their Survivor Network, for ongoing peer to peer support, companionship and further confidence building.
To date we have supported hundreds of women to gain valuable life changing employability experiences across a diverse range of sectors: Social Care. The National Health Service. Retail. Finance. Light Industry. Fashion. Hospitality. Community College. University. Volunteering.
Working with referral partners across the sector, that provide immediate needs of survivors, ranging from; legal status claims, to accessing to statutory care and emotional and physical health and well being.
We step in to provide skills and confidence for women survivors to exit long term support and live independent lives.
Lives not as victims or survivors but as members of society without a label.
To learn more about The Sophie Hayes Foundation and this programme click here
Page updated 28/09/2020 - Christopher Geneux