Offender Management

As part of a process to reduce re – offending, help offenders rehabilitate and frustrate those involved in organised crime, GMP are working with partners in a new initiative entitled the Lifetime Offender Management programme.

This programme sees officers from GMP working In conjunction with partners in the Probation Service, NW Regional Organised Crime Unit (ROCU) and the prison service to manage identified offenders over the course of their lifetime.

The programme seeks to identify individuals who are currently involved in organised crime or are subject of preventative orders linked to their historic involvement in organised crime. Working with partners and officers at a local level the initiative helps develop the intelligence picture around these offenders. The programme aims to put plans in place to assist the individuals in moving away from organised crime and to continually assess whether they are criminally active and what can be done to frustrate and disrupt this criminality.

In providing enhanced management of these offenders it is hoped that disruption opportunities can be put in place by any of the partners when a Police operational response may not be appropriate.

As the name suggests this programme runs for a prolonged period of time. It moves away from the Police’s conventional approach to offender management which traditionally comes to an end when an offender is imprisoned and only starts again when a prison release date becomes near. Working with partners, including the prison service and probation, the programme seeks to continue to manage offenders while they are in prison and seeks to put strategies in place to frustrate their involvement in criminality while in these establishments.This scheme is subject of ongoing scrutiny and allows continued assessment of the threat and risk posed by an individual enabling GMP and its partners to temper their response and the level of offender management accordingly.

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