Modern Slavery & Exploitation Helpline

The Modern Slavery & Exploitation Helpline provides information, advice and guidance on modern slavery to potential victims and survivors, the public, statutory agencies such as the NHS and police, and businesses on a 24/7 basis.

Through the Helpline:

  • Members of the public and frontline professionals can report any modern slavery suspicions or concerns.
  • Potential victims can speak to specialist Helpline advisors who can help them access relevant services, including government-funded support through the National Referral Mechanism.

Run by anti-slavery charity Unseen, the Helpline commenced operations in October 2016. To ensure it provides the services potential callers want, Unseen is working closely with a range of diverse stakeholders, including law enforcement agencies, non-governmental organisations, businesses and faith organisations.

You can also take action by downloading the Unseen app via the App Store or Google Play.

Page updated 07/05/2024 - Sian Payne

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